Monday, September 24, 2007

Can this really be happening...I do believe it is...Wow day three and I haven't smoked...this Chantix is really helping....I would have been a raging idiot by now...but I'm pretty calm...yes the cravings are there but not near as bad as they many years ago...My Supervisor was at work today...she asked me if I missed her yesterday..I almost hated to tell her the truth but I did...No I didn't miss you....I didn't bother to tell her why So I asked her how her day get the heat off of me...I did confide in a friend at work who quit almost 2 years ago...He said he would be praying for me...boy do I need supervisor and I used to take turns going out to smoke....she would say to me...I'm going out...and I would say to her that I was going all morning long I'm hearing her tell me she was going out and I could go after I just smiled and said OK...but I never did...later my friend asked me in front of her how I was doing and I said Supervisor asked if I was ok...I finally decided to let the cat out of the bag...she said she felt bad for telling me I could go out after's all good though...I left work with a smile on my face....Wow I made it thru....Sorry guysl...I copied and pasted from the other blog...I really don't even know how blogs work...but I'm sailing into alot of unchartered waters these days...I don't know if the same people read this blog as my other blog...I just figure I need all the help I can get and give....
Hisgrace1's blog
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