Saturday, April 18, 2009

Ok so it has been forever since I have Blogged....I find myself back at the smoking again I went from September 2007 until one month ago....So much has happened....I always go back to the one thing I think I can count on....the stress factor always when people in my life are messing up ...I fall everytime...I don't even know how to get back I have 7 days of Chantix...should I start back on it I took it for a few months and was able to wean myself off....I feel like such a failure....I'm taking medication to lose weight...and depression, thryoid, cholestrol and now do I put Chantix on top of doctor says it's ok...I'm to afraid to even all of you who are still making it....


Homestead Blogging said...

HI My...I was just thinking about deleting my blog since I never think to post on it, but then I saw you and visited your blog.

How are you doing? Did you quit again yet since your post in
April? I used Chantix because that was the only way I was ever successful.

Let me know how you are okay?

Corbin Dallas said...

I started using chantix last week and today I quit. If you have any advice feel free to hit me on my blog at:

thanks and hope youre still smoke free!